Tuesday, November 17, 2020
1:00pm EST, 12:00pm CST, 11:00am MST, 10:00am PST
Elizabeth A. Baker, Out of Context #7: Owning the Language of our Oppressors
Hon Ki Cheung, Out of Context #2: Modern Development of Non-Western Music
Chevall Pryce, Out of Context #4: The Muddy Ownership of Dreadlocks
Shruthi Rajasekar (moderator), Out of Context #1: Diversifying Programming with Integrity
“Out of Context” is a 10-part series that addresses the topic of cultural appropriation as it intersects with both Western European-based classical music and the broader social landscape. Commissioned by American Composers Forum and I CARE IF YOU LISTEN, the goal of the series is to offer information and diverse perspectives to those seeking to acknowledge historical context, honor cultural traditions that are not their own, and expand their sphere of knowledge with awareness and respect. A culminating collection of these articles and other resources will be shared for continued learning and dialogue.