LIKE A MOTH TO THE LIGHT by Catherine Kontz (performed by Cathy Krier)
For piano solo – staged
Music and concept by Catherine Kontz
Original lighting design by Kristina Hjelm
Original scenography and costume design by Ellan Parry
Commissioned by OpDerSchmelz/A Touch Of Noir Festival, Luxembourg, 19 October 2014
Filmed by Yann Tonnar for CNA Luxembourg
Written for Cathy Krier
Duration 12-15 Minutes
Like A Moth To The Light takes as a starting point the behaviour of moths and translates this, through sound, movement and light, into a staged work of mesmerising musical lepidoptery. The interplay between music and lighting is enhanced by the pianist’s insect-like attire and partnered by a detailed choreography of movements and stage settings, as marked in the musical score. Like A Moth To The Light promises a live piano experience which goes beyond the ordinary and expected.