Written for Evan Kahn in 2014. Performed in April 2016 by Evan Kahn and John Jaworski at San Francisco Conservatory of Music. For more about the composer, visit www.juliaseeholzer.com For more about the cellist, visit www.evandkahn.com
The Gremlins Duo perform “Hot Work” by Olivia Kieffer! It is a duet for tenor saxophone and bass clarinet. From their concert at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta on March 30, 2014 Gremlins Duo http://www.gremlinsduo.com/ Olivia Kieffer http://oliviakieffer.com/ Concert review in ArtsAtl http://www.artsatl.com/2014/04/review-gremlins-duo-return-atlanta-clarinets-dynamic-flights-fancy/
‘Element’ (Ellie Parker and Emma Jones – saxophones) perform Root by British composer Kirsty Devaney at St Peter’s Church Notting Hill on 6th April 2015. Hear the entire concert at www.music-chamber.com